Book an Appointment at Double Lotus Acupuncture - Mill St Clinic, Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
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Quantum Biofeedback Therapy
Biofeedback with the Indigo TM, biofeedback system, a class 2 medical device approved for stress reduction and pain management.
In a one-hour Quantum Biofeedback session, the Indigo device and software read thousands of frequencies in the client's energetic field and sends balancing frequencies for each area that it finds out of balance, entraining the body and energy field into a state of relaxation and balance. This enables change from energetic patterns that have been deeply entrenched, releasing physical pain, and reducing effects of stress on physical, mental, and emotional levels.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy
FSM targets specific tissues and pathologies with precise frequencies to bring about profound change. This works in the same way that an opera singer can break glass with the right frequency of sound. Applying the exact frequency match via physiologic level of current can produce healing in the tissues and negate the pathology.
Polychromatic Light Therapy
Light Therapy with near-infra red, red, and blue diodes, creates healing in the body via an increase in nitric oxide, oxygenation, blood and lymph flow.
This has been proven to be beneficial for all types of healing needs, including TBI, traumatic brain injury, and is used by the NFL for post-concussion syndrome for this reason. It has been shown to be helpful for memory and dementia, all types of injury, neuralgia, as well as wound healing.
Radio Frequency Micro-Needling involves microneedling which also delivers radio frequency to the deeper layers of the dermis in order to stimulate collagen production, tightening and firming of the skin.
Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture is an individualized facial treatment using facial and body acupuncture.
Nutrition / Functional Medicine Consult
Nutrition and diet consult and coaching for various health goals, such as weight loss, optimum health, or specific needs.
Basic comprehensive metabolic lab test results - interpretation from a functional medicine perspective.
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Located at: 152 Mill St., Reception - Suite G, Grass Valley
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Need Help? 530-648-4192